#1 - Hello World


@thatnatbuckley posted a weeknote to twitter the other day. I’m trying to get into the habit of doing weekly reviews, so I’m doing one as well!

What I did

This was a pretty busy week! I’ve been doing a ton of neat stuff behind the scenes for my amazing new project, WeeklyProject.Club. We just hit the 200 subscriber mark and I’m super excited! I think there’s some great stuff coming down the pipe.

I also got some marking work done with my business partner on YourAuto.App, a little progress there, but it’s an uphill battle.

I tried to release an app for a client, but it got rejected from the app store. That was a bummer, hopefully I can fix that this week.

I also hung out with the fam at a local flea market and celebrated my dad’s birthday, so that was dope.


RescueTime productivity pulse for last week: 59.

Not bad. Higher than I expected but I prefer it to be in between 65 and 70. My Reddit usage spiked way higher than I thought, not sure what to do about that.

That was easier than I expected, see you next week!